
The Great Southern Expedition :: Day 15

Saturday, 3 December

Rose about 7:30 am and had a leisurely breakfast -– others had finished theirs of course. Washed our pile of dirty clothes in the washing machine and then went to watch Tom, Ewan and Frank (their help!) sort out some cattle (old stud cast-offs – in beautiful condition). Tom had to inspect their tattoos which are in their right ears, and their horn brands – to note their pedigree in the stud books. It’s quite a business, especially with the nervous ones.

Then we strolled up to show Marye the shearing sheds and to inspect the new shearer’s quarters – just being built. They are quite modern in design – having an internal verandah – we all agreed the shearers’ quarters would do us to live in. By that time it was lunch time.

After lunch we went down to the river and rowed further up-stream to a lovely spot for swimming – the River is much lower than when I was here last year.

At 5 pm, we dressed and went to Jack and Georgette Schmidt (a nephew of Wilga’s) on Bands Station – for a party – a slide evening. Jack had taken some aerial photos of the Lake Eyre district on a flight taken by about 21 of their group of friends. Quite interesting too, although not much variety.

There were about 20 or 30 people there and we had the most wonderful buffet meal. These stations wives all seem to be excellent cooks! However, just as it grew dark it became freezingly cold – we couldn’t keep warm in spite of our woollen jackets. Had a rum to keep out the icy blast – can’t say I like just rum and tepid water either! All I could think of was bed to get warm again.

Came home, complete with invitation to call in at the Offham Station (two Miss Palmers) on our way to Cunnamulla on Monday morning. Cuddled down between nice warm sheets – ah, lovely!!

Saturday, 3 December 1955

Rose about 7.30am and had a leisurely breakfast. Laws had finished theirs of course. Washed our pile of dirty clothes in the washing machine and then went to watch Tom, Ewan and Frank (their man) sort out some cattle (old stud cast-offs – in beautiful condition). Tom had to inspect their tattoos which are in the right ears and also their horn brands to note their pedigree in the stud books – it’s quite a business, especially with the nervous ones.

Then we strolled up to show Marye the shearing shed and to inspect the new shearers’ quarters which were under construction. They are quite modern in design, having an internal verandah. We all agreed the shearer’s quarters would do us to live in. By that time it was lunch time. After lunch we went down to the river and rowed further upstream to a lovely spot for swimming. The River is much lower than when I was here last year (Warrego River).

At 5pm we dressed and went to Jack and Georgette Schmidt’s on Bando Station for a party – a slide evening. Jack had taken some aerial photos of the Lake Eyre district on a flight taken by about 21 of their group of friends – quite interesting too, although not much variety. There were about 20 or 30 people there and we had the most wonderful buffet meal. These station wives all seem to be excellent cooks!

However, just as it grew dark it became extremely cold – we couldn’t keep warm in spite of our woollen jackets. Had a rum to keep out the icy blast – can’t say I like just rum and tepid water. All I could think of was bed to get warm again. Came home complete with invitation to call in at Offham Station (two Miss Palmers) on our way to Cunnamulla on Monday morning. Cuddled down between nice warm sheets – lovely!