After breakfast, Helen and I set off into town to do our chores. Marye and I had a wonderful pre-breakfast swim in the lovely deep pool near the bridge – quite chilly too. Helen went along later for hers. Collected wire from Wilga (Law) at Post Office and rang her. Called into Commonwealth Bank to see Peter Bell – ex-Darwin Branch and who should be there but Bob Lynam (Carioca). We had quite a chat to them – they both looked reformed characters! – and then went off for our various needs.
Left Charleville, after collecting Marye who had had a lazy morning waiting for us, around 12:30 pm. Had lunch by the roadside at 3 pm and arrived at Goolbarra about 5 pm. Left Alfred across the river – too much boggy sand – and walked up to the homestead. Wilga and Tom made us very welcome. Met Ewan’s young wife Vere and their 4 months old son Roger – a pet!
Just sat and chatted after dinner and went to bed quite exhausted – what a wonderful thing! – a comfortable bed! In spite of my good sleeping while camping that bed was wonderful!
After breakfast Helen and I set off into town to do our chores. Marye and I had a wonderful pre-breakfast swim in a lovely deep pool near the bridge – quite chilly too. Helen went along later for hers. Collected wire from Wilga at P.O. and rang her. Called into Commonwealth Bank to see Peter Ball – ex-Darwin Branch, and who should be there but Bob Lynam (Carioca – ex-Darwin). We had quite a chat to them and then went off for our various needs. Left Charleville after collecting Marye around 12.30pm Had lunch by the roadside at 3pm and arrived at Goolburra about 5pm. Left Alfred across the river – too much boggy sand – and walked up to the homestead. Lovely to see Wilga and Tom again and after a cool drink we went back in the jeep to collect our clothes from Alfred.
Wilga and Tom made us very welcome and have given us a wonderful time. Met Ewan’s young wife Vere and their 4-months old son Roger – a pet. Just sat and chatted after and went to bed quite exhausted. What a wonderful thing – a comfortable bed. In spite of my good sleeping while camping that bed was wonderful.