
Travelling to the Flinders Ranges :: Day 8

Day 8 [– Arakoola to Quorn]

Ochre wall
Ochre wall

Paid up! On the way out visited the Barraranna Gorge. Enroute passed old Arakoola Homestead, ochre wall and cairn[?] to Patterson family of Paisley, Scotland, erected in 1977. Family donated funds for re-routing and upgrading of road to Arakoola village.

Travelled to Balcanoona and turned off on to road to Copley passing through Gammon Ranges National Park west to Copley. Purchased beautiful pasties at the Tullochs Bakery. Took them out to the Leigh Creek Mine viewing area and ate them in the car. First having to hot foot it back to Copley from Leigh Creek to collect my handbag, which I’d left behind!

Took photos of open cut, ate pastries and then headed South for Quorn. Petrol stop at Hawker. Oh yes, did a slow-car-tour of Leigh Creek township before we left.

Road south from Leigh Creek over flat plains – bitumen all the way, over plains (some very scarce, if any, vegetation much) with ranges – sometimes each side, sometimes only on the East of the highway.

2.5km train
2.5km train

Petrol stop at Hawker, only, then South to Quorn. Wild flowers (or perhaps weeds) quite colourful along the roadside – purple, blue, yellow and orange, in parts. Otherwise, very flat and uninspiring. Saw a 2.5 km train south of Leigh Creek.

Found Caravan Park in Quorn where we had booked [a] cabin. Very comfortable (demountable); self-contained and clean. Ate at home! and watched TV.

$10 for petrol at Leigh Creek @ $1.089/litre

$17.15 lunch (pasties) and bread, quince[?] and jam.

$2.60 mineral water at Quorn.

Other photos
A wallaby on the road out of Arakoola Station?
A wallaby on the road out of Arakoola Station?
Arakoola Homestead? interior
Arakoola Homestead? interior
Arakoola Homestead? exterior
Arakoola Homestead? exterior
Barraranna Gorge
Barraranna Gorge
Passing through the Gammon Ranges National Park?
Passing through the Gammon Ranges National Park?
Wildflowers under the sign at Leigh Creek school
Wildflowers under the sign at Leigh Creek school
The end of the 2.5 km train
The end of the 2.5 km train
Monday, 21 August 1995

421 kms