
Travelling to the Flinders Ranges :: Day 2

Day 2 – [Narrandera to Mildura]

Left 9:20 am for Hay. Raining. Country flat and road quite straight. Rather stunted tree growth, etc.

We followed the river basically through Darlington Pk past Hay to Balranald, where we crossed the river.

Lunched at the ex-Serviceman’s Club. Chicken Parmeg[iana] and salad; fish and salad. Very good. $10. Len given his free because the waitress spilled mayonnaise on his trousers!

I [Kath] drove from Balranald. Very, very flat and straight. Turned off at Robinvale and went to Mildura via Bannerton and Hattah, past a quite uninteresting National P[ar]k. Scrubby tree growth but evidently wetlands within. Raining, so did not want to chance the road through the park. Stuck to the bitumen via Hattah, then past Red Cliffs and on to Mildura.

The Edge Motel
The Edge Motel

Stayed at Edge Motel, in Buronga, across the river. Aussie Break Cost. Wine $12. Meal much too large. Kept mudcake for next day!

Rain cleared. Lots of grape vineyards and citrus orchards.

Other photos
The Edge Motel from the road
The Edge Motel from the road
Tuesday, 15 August 1995
Accomm.[Package 1 of 5]

550 kms