
peregrination :: “The Universe”

1 Dec 04

A tourist map of the city of Darwin
A tourist map of the city of Darwin
(circled hotel was my accommodation)

Started today in very relaxed fashion, only getting out of bed after 9 am. However, I made up for that by going to the gym before a shower or breakfast!

The logo of The Duck’s Nuts (which I hand drew in the scrapbook)
The logo of The Duck’s Nuts (which I hand drew in the scrapbook)

Then I headed out to check out what Darwin looked like. I wandered out the back of the hotel onto Mitchell Street (the main drag, really) and headed into town. First stop, the Duck’s Nuts, where I had a quite passable breakfast and an excellent coffee! After my leisurely breakfast, I went back to wandering.

Postcard of Darwin
Postcard of Darwin

Darwin is not unlike most Australian towns. A fairly random collection of shops, clubs, bars, malls, businesses and car parks. There is no obvious or distinct element to Darwin that I can see, although they do cater specifically to ‘al fresco’ dining (not surprisingly).

I wandered around the shopping district (mall) quite a bit. Bought souvenirs and gifts and generally killed time. Darwin is not a hurried place. Basically, it’s too hot, but I also think that lends a fairly gentle view to haste in the Top End. Even hurrying, they don’t kick up too much dust!

Lobbed in the faux-Irish pub Shennanigan’s for lunch – a huge chicken salad. It’s very pleasant to be on holiday, have nothing especially to do, and just while away the time.

Ticket to see the film “Hero”
Ticket to see the film “Hero”

I escaped the heat of the afternoon by watching “Hero” in the local cinema. What a beautiful movie – spectacular, sumptuous, and a well-told story.

Dinner in the hotel again but this was slightly more convivial because I’ve already made friends in the staff.

Finished the night watching an in-house movie “The Chronicles of Riddick” – very sci-fi, very action.

I am also really enjoying the ‘research’ book I’m reading – An Introduction to the Philosophy of Social Science. It is a beautifully written and carefully crafted book. Very interesting reading!